Thursday, April 30, 2009

Desk Plant: FAIL

Came in last Monday to this:

AAAAAAND this week we are looking like this:
I moved it onto a higher shelf closer to some natural light although the crappy camera phone makes it look darker... wah waaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

Moving on... I'm headed to Petsmart & the grocery store tonite w/ a Zipcar so maybe I will pick something up...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

AT Cure: Progress!

Well, I have definitely made progress, but it is very true that you make a bigger mess before it gets better. Esp when you have no where for your outbox to go except in the area in front of the fireplace!

I made some good progress yesterday on my bedroom. All of my clean clothes are cleaned up and put away (BIG accomplishment), and my laundry is ready to be done today! I went through my bra/underwear/tank top drawer and cleaned a lot of it out. Some tanks went into the yard sale pile, but for the most part it all went into the trash. Really, nobody wants an old bra or a pair of panties my mom bought me that I have never worn cuz they are meant to look cute on an underwear model....yea, gross. And I straightened up my scary bookcase. Its not done, but at least it looks a little better till I have time to fully tackle and organize it. I did rearrange the bedroom furniture a few weeks ago and I am still really liking it. I also moved one of the wooden chairs next to my kitchen cart into the bedroom. I really like having a chair in the bedroom.

Bathroom is also almost completely done. Since the before picture I have gotten a new bigger bath rug that is a brighter teal that helps the room "pop". And I straightened out the mess shown where the towel rack is. I also got two bamboo soap dishes that I put on top of the white "things" above the sink. They definitely help add interest to the bathroom. Last nite I vacuumed up all the grossness. So all that is left is a good scrubbing of all fixtures and mopping the floor. Might get to that today...we'll see...

In the living/main room I bought an awesome mirror to hang over the sofa to help bounce some light around, moved the track lighting around to point some light in better spots and redid the wall above Wilbur. All of those things have helped with brightening up the room... a bit. I also tamed the cord octopus by the TV and bought a Pottery Barn style bookcase/tv stand from Chop Chop for only $33! That is a great little site to find some good cheap finds in the Boston area. And they do free delivery in the city!

Next project... the "desk area"/built in shelves by the windows. The upper shelves are ok... I just feel they are a bit cluttered w/ things I don't "love". That has really been helping my cure is asking myself "Do I LOVE it?". So I need to work on that, and then organize the paper disaster and random placement of the stereo.

After that... storage/coats/shoes/purses/dresses closet needs yet ANOTHER re-org and straighten. It just got one a few months ago... But I use it so much and it is so big for what it is, that it is a constant process.

Somewhere in that I WILL set up the wireless... I think. I think part of my hesitation with the wireless is that I may find myself online more than I already am. Which I really try to limit since I am online ALL DAY at work. But I want to set it up also just to prove to myself that I can do it!

First, I have some schoolwork to get to, then laundry & curing! Happy Sunday!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Project: Desk Plant

Ok, so this can BARELY be called a project... except I turned it into one. I wanted a plant for my desk at work. Something to take care of at work, that would make me smile, etc. Every plant I saw at Target, Ikea, etc I was like "eh, bleh"...nothing jumped out and said "Pick me!"
THEN.... while purusing the $1 bins at Target I found MINI pots! That came w/ seeds and lil soil blocks. I brought them to work, added water, and VOILA! plants!

I was curious how long it would take me to kill...err GROW them, so I started taking pics on my beloved cr@ppy camera phone. I should have taken pics while I was planting and sowing them, but oh well. You just get the finished product.

Here is the pots after less than a week when I came in to find just a few seedlings springing! So exciting...

That was last Friday, April 10th I believe....
THEN just when I thought they would die over the weekend w/o water (yes, I did want to carry them home w/ me over the weekend... kinda like when you had a class pet (ie: hermit crab) in elementary school and the teacher would let a student bring it home for the weekend!)
Anyway...sidetrack... So I come in Monday morning to THIS:


Ok, so that was actually today, but it still looked a lot like that on Monday, but the right one wasn't blooming too much yet.

So maybe I don't have too much of a brown thumb after all..... *knock on wood*

Wilbur: Neuter Complications

Well, it has been an interesting month for poor lil Wilbur. He was sick the week before his neuter which resulted in an early trip to the vet for shots, medicine and some fun exams. 

Then his neuter surgery did not go well... There were complications that were the vets fault that caused him to spend the weekend in the animal hospital and undergo another full surgery to repair the damage caused by the neuter. He is recovering nicely after a few days of stress. But it also looks like he has developed a inguinal hernia. YUCK! The surgeon will check it out when he goes in for stitches removal next Wednesday, and until then I just need to keep an eye out for signs of severe pain, not eating, etc. Which he has luckly had none of. He has been full energy and wanting to play as normal the past 24hrs. Whew!
Still keep the lil guy in your prayers!

(could he BE any cuter???)